Nov 8, 2008

Shock! Is this Church????

When I walked into that church in Australia, I was shocked!!!

It was so different from other churches. It didn't have anything like a big cross, statue of Maria or "Christian decorations". It was just a normal building. All it had was a big sign that said, "Christian Centre."

And when I walked in the hall I was surprised again. It looked like a concert hall! There were guitars, drums and keyboard on the platform... I was thinking "Is this really church???" My school had only pipe organs...

Also, I couldn't believe that the Pastor was really loud! I thought all Priests and Pastors were gentle and quiet... But the Pastor of this church was an Italian. He was really loud and passionate. And really really funny.

I used to think Church was for old people or children. But there were so many young people in the church. I wouldn't have guessed if they didn't say they were Christians, because they looked really cool! :)

I found out later that this church in Australia was one of the next generation churches.Their teachings were based on the Bible. They sang worship songs in a different style. Instead of singing in traditional style, they sang in rock style in order to reach the young people.

My mum had been saying to me that if I come to church, my image of church will change. But I didn't know that it would change this much!!!

Anyway, Guy Sebastian's live was awesome! I thought he was so faithful as the purpose of this live was to raise money to support missionaries. He talked about how great God was all the time. I was just impressed with his Christian values. But still I didn't realise that it had anything to do with me.

But the seeds were definitely sown...